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Writer's pictureBradley Martin

Ep21 | When Is It Time To Pivot with Lauren Hyland

Welcome back to Clearing the Way. A resource for small business. I talk with sales and HR

experts, other small business owners, and anyone else that can provide you with information to clear your way to success.

Today, we discuss “pivoting.”

My guest today is Lauren Hyland. Lauren and I discussed Social Media and the importance of Finding Your Janice in Episode 10 (

Lauren is a social media wizard. Someone is always on top of the most recent trends. Someone who is not on LinkedIn, although this might be changing. Lauren and I both started our businesses around the same time and were constantly bouncing our struggles off each other. We’ve both had to “pivot” several times in the few years of our businesses. Lauren will be starting her own podcast in the coming months.

In this discussion, we determine 4 key indicators that a pivot may be in your future.

-Your time and money are plateaued/maxed

-No one is buying

-You’re making sales but you’re not making money

-You're marketing / messaging feels forced and doesn’t come easy to you

Lauren Hyland





Clearing The Way



Brought to you by the City of Washington Citywide Development Corporation

This video is brought to you by the City of Washington Citywide Development Corporation. If you’re a business located in Washington, PA that needs help growing and working through your current challenges, or you are outside of Washington and looking for a place to get started or a space to expand into, reach out using the links in the description. The Washington CDC’s services are free. No strings, No gotchas. My salary is covered. You pay nothing. I don't know how else to say it. There are organizations out here to help.


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